Bengal horror: Man kills wife, moves around with her severed head in East Midnapore According to the police, the man is mentally unstable. He allegedly killed his wife over a domestic dispute and severed her head with a sharp weapon. A man in West Bengal's East Midnapore was arrested for killing his wife by chopping her head, the police said on Wednesday. The man, identified as Goutam Guchhait, 40, was spotted by locals near Chistipur bus stop. He was soaked in blood and carrying the severed head of his wife. The police were called to the spot, who then arrested the man. According to the police, Guchhait is mentally unstable. He allegedly killed his wife following a domestic dispute and severed her head with a sharp weapon After catching Guchhait, the police searched his house and found the body of his wife. Thanks for reading, leave your thought in the comment section below.