Depraved new video shows ISIS killing prisoners in new, sick ways
The Islamic State has once again displayed the depths of its brutality by releasing a video showing the executions of prisoners by drowning in a cage, wearing exploding necklaces and being locked in a car and shot with a rocket.
According to the Site Intelligence Group, that monitors online jihadist propaganda, the video shows five prisoners locked in a metal cage suspended over a swimming pool. The cage is then submerged and an underwater camera records their final frantic moments.
The video is believed to have been shot in the city of Mosul, an ISIS stronghold in Iraq.
In another section of the video, seven prisoners in orange jumpsuits are seen kneeling in a field, an exploding cable wrapped around their necks tying them all together.
The camera captures the moment the explosives are detonated.
In another section of the video, four prisoners are locked in car before a masked jihadist fires a rocket at it.The footage comes after reports the terror group recently executed two boys after hanging them by their wrists for hours for breaking the Ramadan fast.
Also recently made public by the Middle East Media Research Institute was a contest held by ISIS for a Qur'an memorization competition, in which the top prize was a female sex slave.
Thousands of women and girls have been taken prisoner and traded as sex slaves under the ISIS regime.
According to the UN, 3 million people have now been displaced by ISIS fighting and violence in Iraq.
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