SICKENING: The shocking moment 'cheating' woman is STRIPPED and BEATEN in broad daylight THIS is the shocking moment a woman accused of sleeping with a married man was stripped naked and BEATEN in broad daylight. Lin Yao Li was ambushed by four women as she walked home from the shops in the Chinese city of Puyang. As Lin's attackers pulled her to the floor they ripped off her clothes while punching and kicking her repeatedly in the breasts and groin. The ringleader of the gang was the scorned wife of the man Lin is accused of sleeping with. The sickening attack was witnessed by passersby who did not even attempt to help the defenceless woman. Local man Jun Feng, 30, who found Lin lying on the ground after the women left told local TV: "This type of thing is becoming quite normal. "Angry wives and girlfriends get their revenge on their cheating men by attacking the other woman. "People don’t tend to get involved because they see it as being an argument o...